is a unique form of Ayurveda whole-body massage developed by a student
of the great yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar in Poona India. The approach uses
a unity of deep muscle-work, foot-work, and yoga stretches to open up
and re-balance the body and mind, simultaneously releasing blockages to
energy flow. In addition to oil, Calamus powder is used for its strong
detoxifying effects as well as for purification and support of blood circulation.
Treatment lasts 2 hours plus a recommended one hour relaxation immediately
after treatment.
is a flowing Abhyangar whole-body massage which uses oil to make the body
soft and supple. It detoxifies and instils a new vitality and freshness.
Supported by the inclusion of Marma therapy - a scientific technique from
southern India based around the vital-energy points of the human body
- this massage can both free additional energy as well as release blocked-up
Treatment lasts 1.5 hours plus a recommended one hour relaxation immediately
after treatment.
is an intuitive, holistic and solution oriented form of treatment which
incorporates psychosomatic as well as subtle body therapy. It works towards
a recognition of trauma and a releasing of energy blockages, and comprises
a unification of ayurveda massage, bio-energetics, marma therapy (vital-points
and trigger-points), meridian work, hara work, chakra work, and breathing.
Energy-work is a process of deep self-awareness combined with integrative
growth and forms an effective means of spiritual psychotherapy. Assisted
by your inner wisdom, you experience new impulses for a harmonious and
fulfilled life, enabling a deep healing process to take place and the
discovery of new personal potential. Treatment lasts 1.5 hours plus a
recommended one hour relaxation immediately after treatment.
This treatment can be conducted in individual or group sessions lasting
from 1.5 hours up to a whole day.
Individual or group sessions.
All these treatments serve to harmonize the body-energies or Doshas and
purge away metabolic poisons. In addition to the release of emotional
blockages, they support a deep process of purification and renewal, leading
to a strengthening of the immune system, rejuvenation, cell renewal and
other vitalising and regenerative effects. They are a deep meeting of
body, mind and soul in an inner space of care, love and touch. They develop
the perception and produce an intensive contact with one’s own body.
These treatments are particularly effective for all vegetative or autonomic
disturbances:- exhaustion, symptoms of stress, energetic disharmony, indigestion,
feelings of depression, sleeplessness, chronic tiredness, anxiety, high blood
pressure, chronic headaches and migraine, menopausal problems, skeletal pain,
sexual related problems, and problems of blood circulation. Of equal importance
is the help they bring for those harming their body through drugs, tobacco,
coffee, or inappropriate medication; purging the body of toxins as well as inducing
more general changes in life and consciousness.
Put most simply, these are treatments which bring something good in life, a
relaxation of the body, mind and spirit.
For either yourself, or with a gift voucher, as a present to another.
Sessions by appointment:
Following a session of harmonizing of the body energies, further weekly or fortnightly
treatments are an excellent means for ongoing holistic conservation of health.
Payment through medical insurance can be arranged for private patients.